Sunday, February 21, 2010

I have a pimple on my buttocks in the present. I got a pimple on my buttocks once in the past when I was a Freshman in high school at Morris Knolls High School of Denville/Rockaway, NJ and it grew into some sort of hateful cyst. Not the kind that is like a little eyeball under the skin made of hair and grease which most people get around their neck or chest, but the kind which doesn't move and oozed out primal white puss. It was not even out of a center opening but through two small openings on the side of the huge mass. This was because the reservoir of puss and skin cells had grown to the side of the original pores, which supplied an outlet to the surface. Anyway, it was removed 8 years later because I was too afraid to talk about it to anyone. It made life quite uncomfortable though and I am glad I had it removed in Randolf, NJ about a year ago. Anyhow, a new pustule has developed after I had spent the whole day sleeping in my car and the sweat had built up beneath my trousers I suppose, because one sweats in the slumber, of in this case, day. I sleep through most of the days now, because there is no use in living anymore. I'm a 22-old-failure in my opinion. However, I guess most people are pretty terrible.

Still, the ACLU president once said this to Nick Broomfield, a reporter from the BBC and filmaker who made the movie, "Kurt and Courtney" in 1998 for the Sundance film festival, "You aren't allowed to talk." I hadn't thought the claims of Kurt Cobain being murdered were very convincing until seeing this film in which the general motive of the film is one leaning towards suicide, but as Tom Grant has said something paraphrased like, 'It shouldn't matter whether Kurt Cobain had a disposition towards depression/sucide, since physical evidence supersedes any sort of emotions.' Meaning the physical evidence at the site of the crime doesn't add up to a suicide, despite any persona that Kurt Cobain had while living. And officials in Seattle just assumed it was a suicide which is somewhat unprofessional I think. They waited three weeks to check the gun for fingerprints and it had none. There is so much evidence against it being self-inflicted if one were to look at Tom Grant's website. This guy isn't a crackpot either. He's a rather professional guy who has no reason to be making up facts. I am pretty sure he did not even follow the two Kurt or Courtney prior to the shooting so what motive would have to choose either side (suicide or homocide) without solely taking into account factual evidence from the crime scene and other eyewitness accounts of Kurt Cobain's life prior to ths shooting. So this was a movie I just watched, "Kurt and Courtney" and it got me interest in the subject again after many years of concluding it was probably a suicide.

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