(1) Juggling sentence fragments in her mind, Virginia Tufte and I went to the Firemen's Fair and bobbed for green apples almost forgetting in our bliss how charming An Inconvenient Truth had been the night before.
(2) As usual, darling Ezra, who unconditionally drinks Jack Daniel's before his bi-daily rap battles against commonly illiterate Paterson-reared Philistines, purged himself between bustin' out a hoppin,' Bootylicious® rhyme and signing a dangling, mammalian breast with a streaming emission of stomach surplus temporarily suspending the naturally incurious air of the sullen-eyed, verbally belligerent attendees; a not uncommon description of Wayne "life."
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Cory Lyman Cories
Here is a prose poem by William Carlos Williams the Puerto Rican Jewish doctor who dwelled for most of his life in Rutherford, NJ:
"This Is Just to Say"
I have eaten
the plums
that were in
the icebox
and which
you were probably
for breakfast
Forgive me
they were delicious
so sweet
and so cold
*This is poetry in the sense that William Carlos Williams takes a large consideration in the careful choice of words and the lack of paragraphs. Despite the enjambment, the poem reads more like sentences than lines of poetry. Even the title is a part of the sentence.
"This Is Just to Say"
I have eaten
the plums
that were in
the icebox
and which
you were probably
for breakfast
Forgive me
they were delicious
so sweet
and so cold
*This is poetry in the sense that William Carlos Williams takes a large consideration in the careful choice of words and the lack of paragraphs. Despite the enjambment, the poem reads more like sentences than lines of poetry. Even the title is a part of the sentence.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
I've become addicted to blogging
I don't know what the link being posted on the blog is supposed to mean. I have asked around to no avail. I guess I'll just write another poem instead:
Wool is an itchy fabric
Hopefully, Christ won't deny me at the Rapture
At the right hand of God
Using my words against me
Taylor's here with gold medallions
Ezra is in the living room watching rap television
Soon he'll be buying guns, living on the street of Paterson
My scooter is gone
My love was something I never found
You're not trying hard enough
The SATs never saved me
The test they give to differentiate humans
They used to do so by ethnicity
All life is poetry
Where is your mind?
I'm not listening to anything
Ten percent of cats know English
I cuddle the kittens
I'll cuddle the kittens for you
I'm a Latino now
Living with my husband
Eagle Iodine in my lettuce
Moths in the closet
Name droppers come to town
You have no plot but at least I'm coming down from the plane of life
Smug-nosed dolphins
Cornucopia of lies
Jethro Tull in my soup
You never can escape Michael Jackson's reign
You never can escape the obscenities
I'm Richard Dreyfus
Steve Newton
It's me Ezra
One petroleum rolling over another
10,000 TB for Heaven
Flarf is useless
Paying for Archetypes
Denying the richness of human experience
I went to shop rite. I gave them money
Just because I don't want money doesn't mean I want to give it to anyone either
You love to smile, love
I can't see you anymore
You're going far from home
90% of poems are involving the courtly mannerisms
That doesn't upset me
I think it is sort of precious
If I could define what I didn't know I'd write a book, but I didn't know how to write it
I don't talk to anyone
Maybe I'm self indulgent
I'm a Latino, remember, Ma
We'll make it through
One person is following my blog and that person is me
I guess a fetus doesn't grow overnight
I'm growing terribly, disgustingly obese as of recent
Mom I'm in college, aren't you proud
I don't do any work
They hand me documents
It's painful to wake up before dawn
It's painful to know where they go each day
Vaguenness is your language
Vanity is your contempt
Cats can learn to read
I'm growing weary of time
I'll get liposuction like Kathy Griffin
I'll raise cats to read
When you were young you had your mother's hand to hold
Wool is an itchy fabric
Hopefully, Christ won't deny me at the Rapture
At the right hand of God
Using my words against me
Taylor's here with gold medallions
Ezra is in the living room watching rap television
Soon he'll be buying guns, living on the street of Paterson
My scooter is gone
My love was something I never found
You're not trying hard enough
The SATs never saved me
The test they give to differentiate humans
They used to do so by ethnicity
All life is poetry
Where is your mind?
I'm not listening to anything
Ten percent of cats know English
I cuddle the kittens
I'll cuddle the kittens for you
I'm a Latino now
Living with my husband
Eagle Iodine in my lettuce
Moths in the closet
Name droppers come to town
You have no plot but at least I'm coming down from the plane of life
Smug-nosed dolphins
Cornucopia of lies
Jethro Tull in my soup
You never can escape Michael Jackson's reign
You never can escape the obscenities
I'm Richard Dreyfus
Steve Newton
It's me Ezra
One petroleum rolling over another
10,000 TB for Heaven
Flarf is useless
Paying for Archetypes
Denying the richness of human experience
I went to shop rite. I gave them money
Just because I don't want money doesn't mean I want to give it to anyone either
You love to smile, love
I can't see you anymore
You're going far from home
90% of poems are involving the courtly mannerisms
That doesn't upset me
I think it is sort of precious
If I could define what I didn't know I'd write a book, but I didn't know how to write it
I don't talk to anyone
Maybe I'm self indulgent
I'm a Latino, remember, Ma
We'll make it through
One person is following my blog and that person is me
I guess a fetus doesn't grow overnight
I'm growing terribly, disgustingly obese as of recent
Mom I'm in college, aren't you proud
I don't do any work
They hand me documents
It's painful to wake up before dawn
It's painful to know where they go each day
Vaguenness is your language
Vanity is your contempt
Cats can learn to read
I'm growing weary of time
I'll get liposuction like Kathy Griffin
I'll raise cats to read
When you were young you had your mother's hand to hold
Another Unprovoked Post: Social Criticism

I was thinking about language today and my purposeful exclusiveness or reclusiveness in life. I was thinking about it and I realised that I want people to come to me on my terms which will never happen unless I was a "star," but that is meaningless because hierarchical standards are like living in India. Still the US has classes by far. But it is more difficult to conclude which one you are apart of. I ended with a preposition I'll flip out. Still, I was going to try to avoid any expletives in this blog, but I cannot resist writing this. I was thinking about all the people in NJ and how I can usually not understand anything people say because it is clouded in stupidity, for example, "I fuckin' is was wunderin' be is you fuckin' goin' to the shit fuckin' mall fuck is you Jessica Alba's tits, fuckin', cum, cum, cum fuck Academy (fuckin') Awards fuckin'I bein' can't fuckin' coherently express any(fuck) of my fuckin' thoughts motherfuckeredin Christ's cummin' back on double D fuckin' Jizzin' Angelina's fuckin' Jen kill Brad gossipin' motherfuckin' Jen's tits...Walta, I is gangsta n' shizzzzzzzzz all ova' yo face mudda fuckerin' whip out my dick?!?!?!" Rarely do I understand what people say of any class, because it is encrusted in all this weird antagonistic rap culture or just mental lethargy. The rap culture just reminds me of penises growing out of people's faces and mouth. Like if words were just sexual organs covered in alcohol and smeared in with pictures of famous people on television who these people project their self hatred at. Everyone knows what men's rooms look like. This is the mind of people. It's all kinds of media smeared with penises and breasts jangling into the words, but you can't speak what cannot be expressed. Anyway I kind of enjoy people who have autism, asperger's disease, down syndromed people, or people with tourrette's syndrome because they'll say, "Fuck...God know?"
Monday, February 22, 2010
Hannity falsely claims Obama budget allocates $3 billion to ACORN
You see this in so many poets today
Being unable to pay for the printer, he abandoned the edition of his book.
Enjoyable nonsense from a Hungarian
Coming out is a difficult time for gay, bisexual and sexually curious men. These frequently asked questions and answers may help the transition.
Have a question? Ask it. Know an answer? What are the tax changes for this year?
What is the status of my iPod repair?
Will the files on my iPod be preserved?
A state of sluggishness, inactivity, and apathy. A state of unconsciousness resembling deep sleep
"This was abuse the likes of which I have never seen"
They take the education
Of races, classes, and animals, on this Boat.
She has had four heart attacks and quadruple bypass surgery.
Inside Bowman's freezer were the frozen bodies of Minnet, the eldest, and Jasmine.
"We are really going to enjoy the view. I wish you guys could stay a little longer to partake in that view," he said.
If you don't stand for something, you don't stand for something.
After all don't ask don't tell.
"God bless America...nahnahnah...God DAMN America... for taking innocent lives!"
"I picked up the pillow and smothered him until he was dead. When you love someone, it is difficult to see them suffer."
"The technology is completely species-specific, as the released males will mate only with females of the same species.
You see this in so many poets today
Being unable to pay for the printer, he abandoned the edition of his book.
Enjoyable nonsense from a Hungarian
Coming out is a difficult time for gay, bisexual and sexually curious men. These frequently asked questions and answers may help the transition.
Have a question? Ask it. Know an answer? What are the tax changes for this year?
What is the status of my iPod repair?
Will the files on my iPod be preserved?
A state of sluggishness, inactivity, and apathy. A state of unconsciousness resembling deep sleep
"This was abuse the likes of which I have never seen"
They take the education
Of races, classes, and animals, on this Boat.
She has had four heart attacks and quadruple bypass surgery.
Inside Bowman's freezer were the frozen bodies of Minnet, the eldest, and Jasmine.
"We are really going to enjoy the view. I wish you guys could stay a little longer to partake in that view," he said.
If you don't stand for something, you don't stand for something.
After all don't ask don't tell.
"God bless America...nahnahnah...God DAMN America... for taking innocent lives!"
"I picked up the pillow and smothered him until he was dead. When you love someone, it is difficult to see them suffer."
"The technology is completely species-specific, as the released males will mate only with females of the same species.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Experimental Poem (Poem #3): Group C
The prompt or rule for this poem is to only write in questions?
Why does everyone live by agency?
When did religion develop, Sumer or Mesopotamia, or other?
If we were given the power of God or gods/goddesses, would our actions parallel the mysticism of Greek and Rome with all their gods/goddesses going about sexual scandal and corruption?
Are birds free if they are chained by their wings to the sky?
Are Asap's fables really that interesting?
Does anyone know anything really besides he or she came from a womb?
Do I think like a child?
Are tears the retrieval of knowledge or are there tears which aren't purposeful?
Did Christ die for 'my' sins specifically?
What percentage of humans go to Hell?
Why doesn't anyone answer my questions?
Is all life lust of the flesh or equally lust for ideas?
Is giving the completion or beginning of karma?
Does the universe have one, two, three, or zero singularities? And why would a scientist refute a beginning of time for fear of creationism?
Is the Earth 6 thousand years old or 4.5 billion years old?
Is God transcendent of reality or omnipotent within time itself?
Why do I pick up objects which do not correlate to what goes on in my mind?
Why is life so repetitive?
Why do people watch television?
Why does Oprah deny Christ?
Is Larry King and atheist or agnostic?
Why do people like Joel Osteen, when he has no core belief system and when questioned does not release any further than a few cliches manipulated to make money?
Why do people keep trying to make money, even after so many thousands of years?
Why is it that so many daily actions of people have nothing to do with them on an individual level but more so a priority of the masses?
Does it ever get less terrible?
Why do I always think of secretaries as having really deviant thoughts behind a smiley exterior?
Why do people want to communicate with me?
When will they leave me alone?
Is there ever going to be a matriarchal force?
Is any of what I'm asking intelligent or is it all meaningless like most things?
Why don't I even understand what people say anymore?
Am I not watching enough television?
Why would anyone watch television?
Why do all the corporations attempt to challenge free internet content despite it being public domain?
Why is it illegal for a person to even have possession of child pornography in the US (not that I am interested in child porn, but it seems like it is unconstitutional or something)?
When will they stop talking about sexual positions?
When will the low brow humour end?
When will people stop doing drugs?
Why do priests seem so likely to be child molesters when the doctrine they preach is so constrictive on much of their lives and other people's lives?
Why are people so scandalous and easily liable to fail you?
Why do people enjoy the "entertainment" of other people's shortcomings?
Why do I have to become a liberal or conservative?
Why does Sean Hannity and most conservatives hate big government when a Republic is ruled by delegates and a Democracy is ruled by the people?
When will people give me money for something interesting I've done instead of for basically existing, but on their terms?
When will Rush Limbaugh just cease, simply just stop?
When will society be ruled by something other than crazy media?
If not taking into account the misery of their destruction, were the twin towers that desirable anyway?
Are cities in general, really that substantial to the message of freedom, where people are ruled by a 9-5 work schedule and a hierarchy of different collared shirts?
Do you know God?
How can anyone claim that God has a relationship with them? Is that really possible to substantiate on any level?
What proof is there really of the world ending in 2012?
Who are worse: Christians, Muslims, or Jews?
When is Jesus Christ coming back?
Where is Heaven?
If there is a Heaven what makes life on Earth important to God?
If God's love is by grace then why attempt goodness at all?
Maybe I am twisting scripture?
Why is organized religion so much more likely to enslave people?
Who is intelligent?
Why does everyone live by agency?
When did religion develop, Sumer or Mesopotamia, or other?
If we were given the power of God or gods/goddesses, would our actions parallel the mysticism of Greek and Rome with all their gods/goddesses going about sexual scandal and corruption?
Are birds free if they are chained by their wings to the sky?
Are Asap's fables really that interesting?
Does anyone know anything really besides he or she came from a womb?
Do I think like a child?
Are tears the retrieval of knowledge or are there tears which aren't purposeful?
Did Christ die for 'my' sins specifically?
What percentage of humans go to Hell?
Why doesn't anyone answer my questions?
Is all life lust of the flesh or equally lust for ideas?
Is giving the completion or beginning of karma?
Does the universe have one, two, three, or zero singularities? And why would a scientist refute a beginning of time for fear of creationism?
Is the Earth 6 thousand years old or 4.5 billion years old?
Is God transcendent of reality or omnipotent within time itself?
Why do I pick up objects which do not correlate to what goes on in my mind?
Why is life so repetitive?
Why do people watch television?
Why does Oprah deny Christ?
Is Larry King and atheist or agnostic?
Why do people like Joel Osteen, when he has no core belief system and when questioned does not release any further than a few cliches manipulated to make money?
Why do people keep trying to make money, even after so many thousands of years?
Why is it that so many daily actions of people have nothing to do with them on an individual level but more so a priority of the masses?
Does it ever get less terrible?
Why do I always think of secretaries as having really deviant thoughts behind a smiley exterior?
Why do people want to communicate with me?
When will they leave me alone?
Is there ever going to be a matriarchal force?
Is any of what I'm asking intelligent or is it all meaningless like most things?
Why don't I even understand what people say anymore?
Am I not watching enough television?
Why would anyone watch television?
Why do all the corporations attempt to challenge free internet content despite it being public domain?
Why is it illegal for a person to even have possession of child pornography in the US (not that I am interested in child porn, but it seems like it is unconstitutional or something)?
When will they stop talking about sexual positions?
When will the low brow humour end?
When will people stop doing drugs?
Why do priests seem so likely to be child molesters when the doctrine they preach is so constrictive on much of their lives and other people's lives?
Why are people so scandalous and easily liable to fail you?
Why do people enjoy the "entertainment" of other people's shortcomings?
Why do I have to become a liberal or conservative?
Why does Sean Hannity and most conservatives hate big government when a Republic is ruled by delegates and a Democracy is ruled by the people?
When will people give me money for something interesting I've done instead of for basically existing, but on their terms?
When will Rush Limbaugh just cease, simply just stop?
When will society be ruled by something other than crazy media?
If not taking into account the misery of their destruction, were the twin towers that desirable anyway?
Are cities in general, really that substantial to the message of freedom, where people are ruled by a 9-5 work schedule and a hierarchy of different collared shirts?
Do you know God?
How can anyone claim that God has a relationship with them? Is that really possible to substantiate on any level?
What proof is there really of the world ending in 2012?
Who are worse: Christians, Muslims, or Jews?
When is Jesus Christ coming back?
Where is Heaven?
If there is a Heaven what makes life on Earth important to God?
If God's love is by grace then why attempt goodness at all?
Maybe I am twisting scripture?
Why is organized religion so much more likely to enslave people?
Who is intelligent?
Sentences which were do a while ago, procrastination-undone
1) "Often the prickly thorn produces tender roses." -Ovid
2) "There has not been any great talent without an element of madness." -Seneca
3) "There is no easy way from the earth to the stars" -Seneca
My sentence(s):
1) "If it were not for the small tasks we do in life insanity would brew out of the space of consciousness"
2) "I don't like short sentences"
3) "Love is defined by that which is not cliche for such which is easy is bought in stores and made in Thailand."
4) "In this, love is defined by what it is not, but in what it is only hard work can conceive."
1) "Often the prickly thorn produces tender roses." -Ovid
2) "There has not been any great talent without an element of madness." -Seneca
3) "There is no easy way from the earth to the stars" -Seneca
My sentence(s):
1) "If it were not for the small tasks we do in life insanity would brew out of the space of consciousness"
2) "I don't like short sentences"
3) "Love is defined by that which is not cliche for such which is easy is bought in stores and made in Thailand."
4) "In this, love is defined by what it is not, but in what it is only hard work can conceive."
courtney love,
Material Gain Attempt at Vilanel Poem #2 form poem
Material Gain
The breeding of humans is not hard to master
Each day they create more and Obama, spending enough money has no resources to educate them
They spew expletives when those in Haledon gather
My father's eyes are green and blue, judgmental and the deciphering of filth
When he awakes, he brings me back to the nature of reality
His semi-suppressed anger for the society's ways are probably do to unscrupulous, tasteless business man's wealth
The breeding of humans is not hard to master
Each day they create more and Obama, spending enough money has no resources to educate them
They spew expletives when those in Haledon gather
My father's eyes are green and blue, judgmental and the deciphering of filth
When he awakes, he brings me back to the nature of reality
His semi-suppressed anger for the society's ways are probably do to unscrupulous, tasteless business man's wealth
I prefer Live Journal
I am starting to think I prefer Live Journal for a few reasons:
1) Emoticons
2) Music
3) Location
4) Google has too much power as it is with their attempt to trick you into thinking it isn't a business. At least Live Journal is honest about needing your money.
5) One world Government; Communism
6) More people I know use LiveJournal
7) No HTML crap language when posting pictures for computer simpletons.
8) Less confusing interface
9) More backgrounds/layouts to choose from
Still, I'm probably going to remain a pushover. Most humans are passive.
1) Emoticons
2) Music
3) Location
4) Google has too much power as it is with their attempt to trick you into thinking it isn't a business. At least Live Journal is honest about needing your money.
5) One world Government; Communism
6) More people I know use LiveJournal
7) No HTML crap language when posting pictures for computer simpletons.
8) Less confusing interface
9) More backgrounds/layouts to choose from
Still, I'm probably going to remain a pushover. Most humans are passive.
I have a pimple on my buttocks in the present. I got a pimple on my buttocks once in the past when I was a Freshman in high school at Morris Knolls High School of Denville/Rockaway, NJ and it grew into some sort of hateful cyst. Not the kind that is like a little eyeball under the skin made of hair and grease which most people get around their neck or chest, but the kind which doesn't move and oozed out primal white puss. It was not even out of a center opening but through two small openings on the side of the huge mass. This was because the reservoir of puss and skin cells had grown to the side of the original pores, which supplied an outlet to the surface. Anyway, it was removed 8 years later because I was too afraid to talk about it to anyone. It made life quite uncomfortable though and I am glad I had it removed in Randolf, NJ about a year ago. Anyhow, a new pustule has developed after I had spent the whole day sleeping in my car and the sweat had built up beneath my trousers I suppose, because one sweats in the slumber, of in this case, day. I sleep through most of the days now, because there is no use in living anymore. I'm a 22-old-failure in my opinion. However, I guess most people are pretty terrible.
Still, the ACLU president once said this to Nick Broomfield, a reporter from the BBC and filmaker who made the movie, "Kurt and Courtney" in 1998 for the Sundance film festival, "You aren't allowed to talk." I hadn't thought the claims of Kurt Cobain being murdered were very convincing until seeing this film in which the general motive of the film is one leaning towards suicide, but as Tom Grant has said something paraphrased like, 'It shouldn't matter whether Kurt Cobain had a disposition towards depression/sucide, since physical evidence supersedes any sort of emotions.' Meaning the physical evidence at the site of the crime doesn't add up to a suicide, despite any persona that Kurt Cobain had while living. And officials in Seattle just assumed it was a suicide which is somewhat unprofessional I think. They waited three weeks to check the gun for fingerprints and it had none. There is so much evidence against it being self-inflicted if one were to look at Tom Grant's website. This guy isn't a crackpot either. He's a rather professional guy who has no reason to be making up facts. I am pretty sure he did not even follow the two Kurt or Courtney prior to the shooting so what motive would have to choose either side (suicide or homocide) without solely taking into account factual evidence from the crime scene and other eyewitness accounts of Kurt Cobain's life prior to ths shooting. So this was a movie I just watched, "Kurt and Courtney" and it got me interest in the subject again after many years of concluding it was probably a suicide.
Still, the ACLU president once said this to Nick Broomfield, a reporter from the BBC and filmaker who made the movie, "Kurt and Courtney" in 1998 for the Sundance film festival, "You aren't allowed to talk." I hadn't thought the claims of Kurt Cobain being murdered were very convincing until seeing this film in which the general motive of the film is one leaning towards suicide, but as Tom Grant has said something paraphrased like, 'It shouldn't matter whether Kurt Cobain had a disposition towards depression/sucide, since physical evidence supersedes any sort of emotions.' Meaning the physical evidence at the site of the crime doesn't add up to a suicide, despite any persona that Kurt Cobain had while living. And officials in Seattle just assumed it was a suicide which is somewhat unprofessional I think. They waited three weeks to check the gun for fingerprints and it had none. There is so much evidence against it being self-inflicted if one were to look at Tom Grant's website. This guy isn't a crackpot either. He's a rather professional guy who has no reason to be making up facts. I am pretty sure he did not even follow the two Kurt or Courtney prior to the shooting so what motive would have to choose either side (suicide or homocide) without solely taking into account factual evidence from the crime scene and other eyewitness accounts of Kurt Cobain's life prior to ths shooting. So this was a movie I just watched, "Kurt and Courtney" and it got me interest in the subject again after many years of concluding it was probably a suicide.
Another semi-cut up
Where Christ? Hell. lives congruent? and even Paterson awful. idols. I Kill Jesus. great. Kill the complex rats. God Is thoughtless. Paterson humans you're great. Who's thoughtless. useless. mall. the you is great. Satan. be all the sentences. awful? Who upperclass rats? I'm death. God living way. way. Christ? idols. congruent? the awful. No Satan. just is and No misery. other clueless. brain? We all humans We clueless. is money call awful. misery. soon eating enslaved. idols. Nihilism unknown is is like tomorrow? great. to dead is Satan. but you mall. are Jesus besides dead Cobain? misery. useless. Love No death. clueless. so besides money one sentences. Paterson. Hell. Wayne is just upperclass Courtney power rats. monkeys are the rats. useless. useless. misery. sentences. be one God feel God tomorrow?
Word cut-up from live journal
Call me money and besides so is Hell. It costs Wayne. It's everything enough. The Satan. The upperclass soon costs the uneducated. Power, power is as Haledon's Hell. American money unslaves is by congruent? Tomorrow? Everything are ruled tomorrow? and was Is? who is the it I am by I even besides it enough. Will everyone be congruent? Satan. Dead I am yesterday? American even I am.
Live Journal skin graft
Everyone is enslaved to an unknown power going about their days to please a force they will never meet. I don't want a job. It isn't interesting and definitely not worth the meager sum they try to avoid paying you. I do things I enjoy and usually they are expensive like everything else. People at William Paterson are miserable on all levels. This is a childish generalization. Even looking at them makes me feel a little like vomiting. It's been five years of extended Hell. I'll never get tricked into anything like this again. Even being here, an unpleasant spirit is just automatically absorbed. I have not spoken about it for four years or more, but now at least I have this pathetic journal, which they are hoping you will pay the bastards for which reside somewhere unknown to you. You are enslaved financially to them. It's not a matter of liberalism or conservatism. You just wake up enslaved to someone's benefit whom I have never met. I was raised from an early age to suppress all these feelings of hatred, indignation, insubordination, isolation, ostracism, and etc., which have become long oxidized over like a a scab which never heals. Luckily, there will be no response to this journal. Humans are too absorbed watching television and masturbating. Sorry if anyone finds this insulting, it is not directed towards any individual human. I'll probably change my mind one day as society takes all the energy to speak out of my soul.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
It's me
It's me Cory, Ezra's brother. I am starting to fall out of sync with Christ. Maybe it is ignorance or maybe it is the nature of life, but I was having ADHD in Fellowhip and realized it probably was all untrue. Not that I was being obnoxious on purpose. At times I cannot control my OCD and ADHD habbits. Geoffrey would claim something like you have free will and such with the ability to make decisions on a second by second basis, yet however that makes it as though people who are retarded have any choices in those weird gestures they do all the time. It doesn't really make a large amount of sense to me to think that humans are entirely in control of their fates without also taking into account genetic predisposition for disease and other physical flaws. Also, I find Geoffrey's incessent use of explitives undigified when discribing my fatal flaws, however maybe he will grow out of it. I am 22 years old and a faliure like most of the fecal matter at WPUNJ.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Today I became Ezra
It's me Ezra, a young quail, making macaroni. Tell Steve Jobs I won't be coming into work this month because it is April fools. Geoffrey became a fire salesman but soon it will bring his death like Dustin Hoffman. Welcome to Hell.
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