Sunday, April 4, 2010

Story for Group B

The Wiccan Family Tree

In 1860, from humble beginnings, a child was born to Willow Chlorophob. Willow, like Harry Potter was a belligerent Wiccan and was a native to downtown Williamsburg, VA. Life downtown was better than living in the suburbs, but times were rough and the suburbs were a condition to be contrived only after the Civil War and Post-Industrialism. She had access to all necessary commodities in the United States. Willow worked as a musical clown in Uptown Loin’s Town. It was always ambiguously sub-grouped on the map, but she found her way around anyway. Times were tumultuous with Abraham Lincoln at the forefront of the American Civil war.
The child’s name was Behemoth and he was agoraphobic from conception. Out of the womb he lived a solitary life without friends or benefactors. Killing time he spent the days playing the necessary childhood games like shadow pantomimes, and hide and seek. Hide and seek was different than that of modern times in the way that the seeker was seeking an object like that of a thimble or key. Behemoth was the only one to play so he hid the object and became inebriated off his mother’s gin therefore forgetting the hiding place. Everything had to be done his own way and his mother always tried to engage him in competitive tasks.
In 1865, his father left the family for a new mistress and inherited a Mississippi blunt farm from his new acquired father-in-law. This is of now real relevance to our story as time went on with Behemoth anticipating the future. In 1865, Behemoth had begun seeing the future events like Nostradamus or Zachariah in the form of U2 songs. All of his classmates found it inspiring when he sang hits off of Joshua’s Tree accept they did not know what dimension from which they had come. Also, he received precognition of Slow Train Coming by Bob Dylan. But he had crossed the lines in the eyes of the multitudes. When things lied outside the borders of what was known it was heretical. This was a basis of all human experience. This is what defined Behemoth’s experience. He had to keep his mouth shut; he was dead to them.

1 comment:

  1. I love the specific details in this. Some of it really made me laugh. All you have to do is extend it into a full story and I'm sure it'll be great.
